con mis manos bajo tierra (with my hands belowground), 2021
Installation at Aula Miró, Barcelona

The installation combines disassembled components of mobile phones and other electronic devices with a mound of sand and various soils, evoking mining activities and the cycle of technological waste returning to the earth. Through this juxtaposition, the installation explores the theme of media archaeology, highlighting how discarded digital artifacts contribute to layers of archaeological residue on the planet’s surface. By presenting the objects in space as archaeological finds, the research delves into the enduring ecological and archaeological implications of our digital age.

Current digital machines rely on electricity and materials extracted from mines, impacting the environment and the health of those involved in their production. We live in an era where mineral exploitation and technology obsolescence contribute to toxic waste on the earth. This demonstrates that technology holds both ecological and archaeological significance, as digitalization arises from innovation but also from destruction.